
What can help you identify rodents from all other mammals roaming the earth? Their front incisors which grow continuously throughout their life. These front incisors help rodents feed, defend themselves, and create holes to move into and out of different areas. Their teeth are important and to keep them healthy, and from overgrowing, they continuously chew on objects to wear them down. The rodent’s constant chewing is one of the biggest reasons why they are so destructive and unwanted in our homes and businesses.
Rodents like house mice and Norway rats enter our Virginia homes as they forage for food, escape lousy weather, and look for a safe place to nest. Our basements, cabinets, wall voids, chimneys, crawl spaces, and attics offer a quiet respite for rodents that are near food sources. While rodents see living with us as a benefit, they are an absolute nightmare for us to live with. Rodents contaminate our food, spread diseases, and damage our structures and personal belongings. Signs of a rodent problem include finding dark, rice-like excrement on the floor or in drawers or cabinets, discovering gnaw marks, or hearing scratching noises behind walls. At the first sign of rodents in your home, contact our professionals for help!
Matar Termite & Pest Control can help you eliminate rodents from your Virginia property through our effective pest control solutions and the following prevention tips:
- Inspect your exterior for points of access. Mice can move inside through spaces the diameter of a dime and rats the diameter of a quarter.
- Use a rigid material like steel wool or metal flashing to stop rodents from using their teeth to get into your house.
- Seal spaces in your home, along baseboards or in walls that allow rodents to move easily from room to room.
- Keep your house organized and free of the clutter where rodents can hide.
- Eliminate access to food by keeping lids on trash cans, cleaning up leftover food, removing bird feeders, and maintaining garden areas.