Mosquitoes & Ticks

What are ticks? A tick is a type of arachnid that goes through a four-stage life cycle- egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Ticks feed on the blood of both people and animals. At each stage of life, they must have a blood meal to survive. Depending on the species, it can take a tick three years to develop into an adult. In our area, the most common ticks people and our pets come into contact with are the black-legged tick, Lone Star tick, and American dog tick.
The mosquito is another type of biting pest, feeding on the blood of people and animals. Females must consume a blood meal to get the protein they require to create viable eggs. Mosquitoes lay eggs on top of standing water where the larvae (wrigglers) develop into adults that feed on blood, plant nectar, and other sweet liquids. Both ticks and mosquitoes are dangerous, unwanted pests; they feed on various hosts and spread diseases and parasites through their saliva that can make people ill. Partnering with a professional is the best way to reduce the number of ticks and mosquitoes living in your yard and protect your family, pets, and friends from their bites.
Matar Termite & Pest Control can help you reduce mosquito and tick activity in your outdoor spaces through our effective pest control solutions and the following prevention tips:
- Remove leaf litter and grass piles from your yard.
- Cut back overgrown vegetation from your property's perimeter.
- Keep your grass cut short.
- Remove items in your yard that collect standing water, or be vigilant in dumping it out.
- Place pets on a year-round tick preventative program.